Summer Camp at Goose Pond Scout Reservation
Summer camp was a great success. The troop traveled to Goose Pond Scout Reservation, east of Scranton, PA, from August 4-10. Five Scouts from troop 97G participated, joined by 6 Scouts from Troop 19. We also shared our campsite with troop 2619 from the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council, which led to some great conversations and friendships.

Our Scouts participated in a wide range of activities at camp, including climbing, sailing, kayaking, archery, and fishing. Each Scout worked on four Merit Badges, and among the five of them, badges were earned in First Aid, Swimming, Small Boat Sailing, Kayaking, Climbing, and Archery. They also developed and performed a skit for the closing campfire titled, "Ask Your SPL."

The Scouts particularly liked that the camp was structured with considerable free time in the afternoons, when they could visit the various program areas and participate in special programming, or just take out a sailboat for fun.
All of our Scouts left Summer Camp wanting to return next year.
Watch for our Scouts in this camp video!
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